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Beulah Opal G2 Saltwater Rods // Spare Tip Section for Traveling Anglers
"Tip Insurance" for Saltwater Anglers
We've all been there and heard that awful sounds... "CRACK". Sometimes because of a big weighted crab pattern, 4/0 hook, or maybe your fishing partner got sloppy. Whatever the case may be wouldn't it be nice to have some "tip insurance" on your next saltwater trip?
While Beulah rods are among the most durable and reliable rods we've used, it's a nice feeling to know you have a spare tip.
Why Only Beulah Rods Offers Tip Insurance
Our history with Beulah Rods started in Mexico, while fishing for Roosterfish and other hard fighting critters with Beulah Rod owner James Shaughnessy. He's one of the most knowledgeable and accomplished fly anglers on earth when it comes to big hard fighting fish. Our guests were constantly breaking rod tips, James would bail us out by loaning us Beulah rods. The short version is we loved how the rods fished, cast, and they didn't break. Plain and simple field testing.
The reason Beulah can offer spare tips for advanced purchase is because their tolerances for how the male and female ferules fit are incredibly precise at initial design. The advanced equipment used to build these rods makes a perfect fit... every time. Many rod companies need to build a tip to fit that rod, as the diameter of the adjoining piece has variance. Beulah rods slide together the perfect amount preserving integrity and performance with a pre-purchased tip section.
Opal G2 Features:
- American Tackle Titanium Guides
- IM8 Silica Nano Matrix (SNM) resin
- AAAA cork
- Custom anodized reel seat with indexed locking ring.
- The Beulah Opal 10, 11, and 12wt rods comes with the Beulah Fly Rods Forcegrip. For full detailed technical information, click here.