SEXTANT Saltwater Fly Rods by Thomas and Thomas
Thomas and Thomas SEXTANT Fly Rods
"Powerful, Pin-Point Accuracy"
As technology and performance continue to push the limit of possibilities, the end goal for a fly rod remains the same. We seek to cast a fly line with ease and accuracy – to deliver our best artificial imitation at the right time and in the right place to convince the fish to eat. In saltwater fly fishing, fly presentation and placement are often as critical as when casting tiny imitations to selective trout. But there is also a need for power; both to face into the wind so commonly encountered and to turn the heads of the largest fish.
These combined challenges of accuracy, delicacy and power are met with the new Sextant saltwater series from T&T. The Sextant rod family was born from extensive R&D, representing an evolution in composition and construction from any fly rod previously available.